“This course has served and continues to serve three essential functions in the shift From Me to We. First, it is a place where we can find the others. In the words of Joe Brewer, “we can’t restore a river until we restore our ability to have a friend.” There is community here. Second, this group held space and served as a container for genuine and vulnerable exploration. That space, then, serves the third function of opening. Within that container we can open into new stories, mythologies, and languages that better meet our present and future world. This opening was most profound and I wish it for all who are currently seeking to revise, rewrite, and co-create the human narrative from the wisdom of the heart.” Bethany, researcher and artist
You are invited to join us on From Me to We, a spectacular learning journey of six speaker sessions and six embodiment sessions exploring the deepest questions of our time in an accessible and intimate way. If you wish to join, please choose from the two options below to join us.
You receive:
* Six unique inspiring speaker sessions where three members of our faculty explore a theme together
* Six embodiment sessions directly responding to the speaker sessions and themes
* Access to explore the course library at your own pace
* Community to explore with via our app
* Embodied wisdom on the deepest questions of our time
* All That We Are membership offer
Sliding scale offer – £150 / £80 investment
- Unlimited access to the full six theme library of speaker & embodiment sessions
- Invitation into our online Me to We community group for live connection, support & reflection
- Six months half price membership or one months free for all that we are (worth £150/£30 – join before August 8th)
- 15% discount automatically applied for existing members (you must be logged in for this)
The live course was offered on a sliding scale with the full price being £600. We want to make our work accessible and so offer sliding scales.” to join As you decide what amount to pay, we ask that you not only consider your present-day financial situation governed by income but also factors including:
- your access to wealth in the global context;
- historical discrimination faced by your peoples;
- your financial wealth (do you have retirement savings?);
- your access to income and financial wealth, both current and anticipated (how easily could you earn more income compared to other people in your country and in the world? do you expect to receive an inheritance?);
- people counting on your financial livelihood including dependents and community members;
- and the socio-economic conditions of your locale (relative to other places in your country and in the world).
(Thank you to Bayo Akomolafe from Episode 13 & E137 of ‘all that we are’ podcast for these considerations in how to choose your price).
“Much as I enjoy popular New Age commentary on love, I am often struck by the dangerous narcissism fostered by spiritual rhetoric that pays so much attention to individual self-improvement and so little to the practice of love within the context of community. Packaged as a commodity, spirituality becomes no different from an exercise program. While it may leave the consumer feeling better about his or her life, its power to enhance our communion with ourselves and others in a sustained way is inhibited.”
bell hooks, All About Love: New Visions

How can we expand our spirituality and activism to serve the challenges of our time?
“There is an external wisdom and an internal wisdom that is trying to press the ignorance out of the way, trying to squash the separation into a dynamic experience of wholeness, within which we are in communion with all things.” Clare Dubois
‘From Me To We’ is a gathering of conversations and somatic experiences around the most urgent themes we live amongst. It is an invitation to journey into the heart, to feel into new ways of learning and unlearning; to tend to the seeds of wisdom that live within us all; honouring the dance of our inner and outer worlds, the expansion and contraction of our incredible living ecosystem and how we may hold and serve in these complex times. Through speaker sessions, embodiment experiences and community space, we delve deep into how we may embrace polarity and the complexities of now, how we may dismantle new age spirituality, understand our privilege, and give rise to engaged activism. Essentially how we may embody a spirituality of wholeness, that is more expansive, inclusive, and honours our connection to the earth as we move from Me to We.
Each individual amplifies the energy of this collective journey, as we swirl, spiral & grow together with the collective intention of breaking down the divisive structures we live within. And so we wanted to share with you some of the wisdom from this course, as well as invite you to join us. The conversations shared reveal the complexities of the collective challenges we are facing during these times. They open new viewpoints and emphasise possibilities of how we may open our wings into all that we are.
This experience takes you on a deep journey through body, soul and mind with the six speaker sessions, six embodiment sessions and the community to explore with. You are now invited to journey through this in your own time and at your own pace with unlimited access to the recordings.
“If the majority of the world was not trying to keep body and soul together, we’d have a creative spiritual Renaissance on this planet.” Alnoor Ladha
From Me to We
The Themes
Week One: Dismantling New Age Spirituality
- What is New Age spirituality and why does it need dismantling?
- How have our spiritual lives been co-opted by systems of power and separation including capitalism, colonisation, anthropocentrism, patriarchy and hyper-individualism?
Week Two: The Expanded We
- What happens when we move beyond polarity and anthropocentrism into a larger sense of We?
- How do we embrace both the more than human world and those who have different beliefs to us in our understanding of who we are?
Week Three: We Are All Entangled
- How can we shift our understanding of karma from an individual to a collective embodied inquiry and practice?
- How can collective karma actually invite more space for different belief systems and & diversity on the path?
Week Four: Collective Dharma
- How do we deepen our understanding of Dharma from an individual soul focus to a collective inquiry that honours and celebrates both our diversity and interconnectedness and calls for collective liberation and prosperity?
- How can we dismantle our privilege and notions of white saviorism whilst still showing up for issues such as climate breakdown which have less impact where there is more wealth?
Week Five: Engaged Activism
- How can we redefine sacred activism for this moment and embrace the political, ecological and societal challenges within our understanding of and commitment to our spiritual practice?
- What does community organising and activism look like when our sense of self is now so global and technological?
Week Six: Embodying All That We Are
- How do we embody a spirituality of wholeness and innate worth as we live in the complexity of now?
- What is all that we are?

Adah Parris
Adah Parris is a Nowist, Artist and Activist, she is also Chair of Mental Health First Aid England (MHFA UK). An enthusiastic curator of people, patterns and stories, her work sits at the intersection of ecology, technology, innovation and art. Adah focuses on changing how we experience the world by asking, “What type of Ancestor do you want to be?” “I hate the idea of labels, you end up trying to fit into things and hide parts of yourself. When we present the version of ourselves that other people want to see we take away their choices and say ‘you’re not ready to see this part of me’. It all starts from us. What is my role and responsibility in expressing who i am? [...] It requires bravery and finding your voice.” Adah Parris. Listen to Adah on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on her photograph.
Alnoor Ladha
Alnoor’s work focuses on the intersection of political organizing, systems thinking, structural change and narrative work. He was the co-founder and Executive Director of The Rules, a global network of activists, organizers, designers, coders, researchers, writers and others focused on changing the rules that create inequality, poverty and climate change. TR started in 2012 as an experiment in temporary organizational design. Alnoor comes from a Sufi lineage and writes about the crossroads of politics and spirituality in troubled times. His work has been published in Al Jazeera, The Guardian, Truthout, Fast Company, Kosmos Journal, New Internationalist, and the Huffington Post among others. He holds an MSc in Philosophy and Public Policy from the London School of Economics. Listen to Alnoor on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on his photograph

Charles Eisenstein
Charles Eisenstein is a social philosopher, public speaker and author who examines the unspoken narratives that direct our society and our lives. His work covers a wide range of topics, including the history of human civilization, consciousness, economics, spirituality, interdependence, ecology, and how myth and story influence culture. He is the author of The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible, Sacred Economics, and The Ascent of Humanity. Charles was Amisha’s first guest on The Future is Beautiful, where they spoke of Awakening, Courage and Climate Change. His recent essay The Coronation and The Conspiracy Myth provides us with insights into the current season of global transformation. Listen to Charles on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on his photograph.
Clare Dubois
Clare Dubois is the founder of TreeSisters.org, a global charity spanning multiple countries that has collectively funded the planting of over 15 million trees. TreeSisters is a social change movement and a tropical reforestation organisation working towards normalising cultural reciprocity with nature, empowering women and achieving consciousness shift. The aim of both Clare and TreeSisters is to make it as normal to give back to nature as it currently is to take nature for granted while supporting humanity in its transition from a consumer species to a restorer species. Listen to Clare on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on her photograph.

Rev,Jennifer Bailey
Rev. Jennifer Bailey is an ordained minister, public theologian, and a leader in the multi-faith movement for justice. She is Founder and Executive Director of the Faith Matters Network, a Womanist-led organization equipping community organizers, faith leaders, and activists with resources for connection, spiritual sustainability, and accompaniment. She is Co-Founder of the People's Supper, a project that aims to repair division across politics, ideology, and identity over shared meals. A sought-after public speaker, Rev. Bailey has spoken at the inaugural Obama Foundation Summit, Makers, TEDxSkoll, and the White House. She is the author of To My Beloveds: Letters on Faith, Race, Loss and Radical Hope. Rev. Bailey is ordained in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Listen to Jen on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on her photograph.
Jeremy Lent
Jeremy Lent, described Guardian journalist George Monbiot as “one of the greatest thinkers of our age,” is an author and speaker whose work investigates the underlying causes of our civilization’s existential crisis, and explores pathways toward a life-affirming future. His award-winning book, The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity’s Search for Meaning, examines the way humans have made meaning from the cosmos since hunter-gatherer times. His recent book, The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the Universe, offers a solid foundation for an integrative worldview that could lead humanity to a sustainable future. He is founder of the nonprofit Liology Institute and writes articles exploring the deeper patterns of political and cultural developments. Listen to Jeremy on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on his photograph.

Jyoti Ma has cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all Peoples. As the Grandmother Vision Keeper of the Center for Sacred Studies she co-founded Kayumari with spiritual communities in America and Europe. Other projects she has helped to convene are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Unity Concert. She is the founder of The Fountain, who's mission is to restore an economic model based on reciprocity with Nature and the Sacred. She serves on the Mother Earth Delegation of United Indigenous Nations, helping to develop a global Sacred Territories Initiative to protect Mother Earth’s sacred sites and Her Original Peoples. Listen to Jyoti on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on her photograph.
Mac Macartney
Mac Macartney is a writer, speaker, leadership consultant, eco/peace activist, and spiritual journeyman. As a young child he fell deeply in love with nature and since that time he has endeavoured to listen to the guiding dreams, visions, and experiences that have been offered to him, and take action to shift our world for the better. He is privileged to move between, learn from, and contribute to, many diverse and contrasting spheres of society. He finds this enriching, stimulating, and often, deeply troubling. He walks with grief and joy cupped together in his hands, rejoicing to be alive at such a time, and happy that the storms, droughts, blizzards, and beauty-blessed wonderment of years past seems to have enabled him to love other humans and himself with some measure of compassion and delight. Listen to Mac on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on his photograph.

Nasreen Sheikh
Nasreen is an international speaker and advocate for global human rights. Her story about how she escaped forced marriage and modern day slavery has been published in Forbes, Amnesty International and Cosmopolitan magazine, and her interview with international influencer and author Jay Shetty went viral. Born in an undocumented village in rural India on the border with Nepal, Nasreen does not know her birthdate or exact age. Risking everything to prove that freedom is an essential human right, Nasreen courageously spoke truth to power. Around the age of sixteen she founded Local Women’s Handicrafts, a social enterprise empowering underserved women. She now leads the Empowerment Collective, a charity with the goal of ending modern day slavery by advocating 7 Keys for global human rights. Listen to Nasreen on the 'all that we are’ podcast by clicking on her photograph
Brother Phap Linh
Brother Phap Linh, also known as Brother Spirit, is a zen Buddhist monk, musician and seeker. He began his monastic training with Thich Nhat Hanh in Plum Village in February 2008, and has since composed many of the community’s beloved chants. Before ordaining he studied mathematics at Cambridge and worked professionally as a composer. A co-founder of the Wake Up Movement for young people, today Brother Phap Linh is actively engaged in teaching applied mindfulness to businesspeople, teachers and scientists. As a leading voice in the new generation of Buddhist monastics in the West, he is passionate about exploring how meditators and scientists can learn from each other and open new paths of healing and discovery. He has the conviction that a modern form of monasticism can play a crucial role in bringing about a more compassionate society as well as a much needed collective awakening to our profound interbeing with all life. Listen to Phap on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on his photograph.

Nina Simons
Nina Simons is an award winning social entrepreneur and visionary thinker. In 1990, she co-founded Bioneers with her husband and partner, Kenny Ausubel and is now Chief Relationship Strategist. As cofounder, she created the Everywoman’s Leadership program, and has helped to lead years of identifying, gathering and disseminating breakthrough innovations that reveal a positive and life-honoring future that’s within our grasp. A social entrepreneur passionate about reimagining leadership, rebalancing social and gender equity, she works towards healing relations with ourselves, each other, and the Earth. She co-edited Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart, and authored Nature, Culture, and the Sacred: A Woman Listens for Leadership, being released as a second edition in June 2022 — which has won awards in the categories of women’s studies and intersectionality and racial justice. Listen to Nina on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on her photograph.
Richard Rudd
An international teacher, mystic and poet, Richard Rudd is a born explorer, and has studied with great teachers in the East, traveled through the Himalayas, the Pacific, the Americas and the Arctic. Richard's mystical journey began early in life as he experienced strange energies rushing throughout his body. This catalysed his spiritual search. In 2002 he began to write and receive the Gene Keys - a vast synthesis exploring the miraculous possibilities inherent in human DNA. It took 7 years to write the book and understand its teachings and applications. Today Richard continues to extend and embody the wisdom he receives, sharing it around the world. His work has been translated into many languages, and in 2019, Richard was named on the Watkins list of The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. Listen to Richard on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on his photograph.

Sally Kempton
Sally is a widely respected teacher of meditation and spiritual wisdom. She has spent over four decades practicing, teaching, and writing on meditation and spiritual philosophy. After 20 years as a swami in a Vedic tradition, Sally emerged as a popular teacher in 2002. She is the author of the best-selling books, Awakening Shakti: The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga and Meditation for the Love of It, and a number of audio programs, including Doorways to the Infinite: The Art and Practice of Tantric Meditation. She is on the faculty at Esalen, Kripalu, and 1440 Multiversity, teaches meditation on the websites Glo.com, Gaia.com, and Yogajournal.com, and offers retreats, workshops, and online courses in the U.S., Canada and Europe. Listen to Sally on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on her photograph
Samantha Roddick
Samantha Roddick is an activist, artist and was the founder of Coco de Mer, a provocative sex shop. She is the daughter of activist Anita Roddick, who founded The Body Shop, the first ethical business of such a scale. Sam set up Bondage for Freedom in 2008, focusing on fighting for human and environmental rights. It had worked on a number of projects, including the 1994 Rwandan Genocide; the release of the “Angola Three”; preventing sex-trafficking; and colony collapse disorder. Sam was also a major contributor to The Future is Beautiful book, for which she wrote the afterword. “It’s the beauty of healing that you can be shattered and then reform yourself in a much more beautiful and permanent mosaic of who you are.” – Sam Roddick. Listen to Sam on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on her photograph.

Swaady Martins
Swaady is a recognized leader, influencer and tastemaker in Africa. She is a multi-award winning entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience, and founder of one of Africa’s most admired brands, YSWARA African tea company. A Consciousness activist, she founded Tounché Global Consciousness Summit & Events and LovingKindness Boma, an independent publishing house creating conscious books for children with diverse main characters. Swaady is an alumna of the Harvard Divinity School, NYU Stern, The London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE), HEC Paris Business School and HEC Lausanne. She’s an Archbishop Desmond Tutu Leadership Fellow , a certified Yoga & Mindfulness teacher and a certified Pranic Healer. Listen to Swaady on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on her photograph.
Tiokasin Ghosthorse
Tiokasin Ghosthorse - Cheyenne River Lakota Nation of South Dakota—is an international speaker on Peace, Indigenous and Mother Earth perspective. A survivor of the “Reign of Terror” from 1972 to 1976 on the Pine Ridge, Cheyenne River and Rosebud Lakota Reservations in South Dakota and the US Bureau of Indian Affairs Boarding and Church Missionary School systems de- signed to “kill the Indian and save the man,” he has a long history of Indigenous activism and advocacy. Tiokasin is a musician and teacher of magical, ancient and modern sounds and performs worldwide. Tiokasin is “a perfectly flawed human being” and a Sundancer in the cosmology of the Lakota Nation. Listen to Tiokasin on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on his photograph.

Uma Dinsmore-Tuli
Uma met yoga in 1969, at the age of four, and fell in love. She’s been practicing ever since, and teaching yoga since 1994. A yoga therapist with special expertise in yoga therapy for women’s health, Uma is a mother of three, and has written four books on yoga for women, including the massive Yoni Shakti and two books on Yoga Nidra, including Nidra Shakti, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Yoga Nidra. Uma trains specialist teachers in Total Yoga Nidra and Yoni Shakti Well Woman Yoga Therapy for menstrual and menopausal health, pregnancy, birth, and postnatal recovery. Uma is co-founder of the Yoga Nidra Network and has developed Total Yoga Nidra, Wild Nidra and Nidra Shakti: radical creative and intuitive approaches to sharing yoga nidra. Listen to Uma on the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on her photograph.
Embodiment Sessions With:
Ava Riby Williams
Ava is a queer, British Ghanaian/Indian visionary, living in London. She acts out life purpose as a Creative Facilitator, Yoga teacher, Activist and Artist who encourages play and promotes diversity in all of life. Her work focuses on finding presence and feeling in the moment, while guiding groups into deeper contemplation of issues concerning their liberation and wellbeing- on personal and collective levels. As a guide, Ava is clear that the point of her work is to encourage students to become their own inner teachers, recognising ourselves as divinity, in unity. Ava is driven by the importance of making healing possible for marginalised communities as a tool to unwind trauma; whilst learning about the cycles which oppress them in order to share teachings on equity with others. With over 10 years of Yoga, creative practise, facilitation and performance experience, her teaching is often woven with song, poetry and play as a way to deepen our capacity to Love and experience life.

Curated by:

Amisha Ghadiali
Amisha Ghadiali is the founder of 'all that we are' fka The Future Is Beautiful - which she started in 2010. She is a leadership mentor, author and experienced facilitator with a gift of bringing people into connection with themselves, each other and the earth. She has hosted many retreats. workshops and rituals around the world. She creates brave, tender and inclusive spaces for our hearts unfolding, healing and embrace of our wildness. Her book “Intuition” published by DK Books is out now. She hosts the 'all that we are' podcast. Click on Amisha's photograph to listen to her talk about her book Intuition with Sally Kempton.
Azadeh Momenghalibaf
Azadeh is an Iranian-born activist, seeker and systems thinker passionate about healing and transforming the systems that drive injustice and separation. With a background in global public health, Azadeh spent the last 15 years advancing health justice through philanthropy, campaigns, and non-profit development, alongside movements around the world. After spending years challenging oppressive systems from the outside, she has been on a journey to decolonize and liberate her spirit and reconnect with this beautiful earth. As a trained psycho-spiritual guide, Azadeh is committed to supporting others to embody r-evolutionary leadership in service to collective healing, liberation and more beautiful futures. Listen to Azadeh on the team episode of the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on her photograph.

Hely Camaron
Hely weaves her love of our beautiful earth, heart expansion & embodied exploration into everything she does, sharing nature inspired practices; bringing people together in community & curating the Mind Body Soul healing area for Noisily Festival. With a background in sustainability, she is excited to be co-creating & exploring soft, rooted ways of being that receive, celebrate & empower all hearts in this collective remembering of all that we are. Hely helps curate our courses, workshops & events within 'all that we are' and is excited to grow, share and feel into the beautiful pulse and flow of our incredible living network. Listen to Hely on the team episode of the 'all that we are' podcast by clicking on her photograph.
Hosted by:

(formally known as the future is beautiful.) We explore the weave between activism, the sacred, creativity and regeneration. The spaces where our inner and outer worlds dance. From healing trauma to nature connection to new technologies to ancient wisdom - it’s time for us to move beyond silos and into an integrated way of being. Every one of us has ideas and personal experiences to share that can lead us to a more beautiful future. Despite the challenges we face as a global community or the pressures we meet in our daily lives, when we stop and dare to listen, to ask ourselves the big questions and to share what we are already doing and envisioning, we create the futures of our wildest dreams. And we begin to embody all that we are, all that we are becoming and all that is possible.

About From Me to We:
As the pandemic has changed us in ways we are just comprehending, several living questions are: How can we live our values in a more meaningful way? How do we move from the paradigm of individual spirituality to something that feels more aligned with the story of interbeing? How do we have a relationship with the sacred that allows us to show up in an engaged way – recognising that we are all in the same storm, but not in the same boat.
We are living in a crisis of spirit and separation – from our true nature, each other and this beautiful planet. Navigating a spiritual path within late stage capitalism is challenging for all of us. As many of us have moved away from organised religion into a hybrid of different cultures and practices, whilst wellbeing has become an industry – we feel the damage that New Age spirituality has caused. It has distorted us from an engaged and embodied approach to collective healing and liberation – in many cases fostering greater separation, individualism and escapism – and doing little to dismantle and transform the systems of power and separation that drive so much suffering in our world.
Many of us feel we have become a product of this time and these systems, with a focus on individual success and external comparison – fuelling these very crises rather than seeking to heal their shared roots. Despite good intentions, we find ourselves navigating the complexities of these times rather clumsily and being part of the problem. We now also exist within ‘cancel culture’, where questioning the dominant narrative can lead to being outcast and deplatformed, it’s a challenging time we live in.
If you are feeling called to deepen your understanding of this time, unravel some outdated patterns and explore how you can grow and serve in your community, ‘all that we are’ invites you to join us on this living inquiry into how we move from Me to We.
This is a collective journey to transmute and heal from the hyper-individualised and capitalist shadows that too often fuel isolation, inadequacy and polarity. Our deepest intention is to create space to discover and embody a spirituality of belonging, wholeness, and action – to live a We, that is both more inclusive and expansive in these divided times and in deeper relation with the more-than-human world.
Our starting point is not with all the answers. We don’t offer you experts or gurus. We have good questions, and a willingness to sit with the uncertainty this great turning asks of us. We will bow at the altar of emergence and hold space for what longs to be birthed through us as we remember ALL THAT WE ARE.
We have gathered a collective of curious souls for this inquiry, in both the facilitators and each of you taking part. Together, we can explore what it means to be human at this time and how to show up more powerfully as we go on this six week learning journey.
From Me to We is the first experience in our new series ‘Dismantling New Age Spirituality’, which comes as we let go of ‘The Future Is Beautiful’ to embrace all that we are, all that we are becoming and all that is possible.
Types of Sessions:
Speaker Sessions: Each of these six sessions will have three guest speakers in conversation on the questions for that theme. They will each reflect on the theme and the questions – and then the conversation will open up between them. These are hosted by Amisha Ghadiali, in the open and expansive way that you know from the podcast, giving space for new thinking, and perspective to emerge. These sessions will be unique as these speakers have never all come together around these themes before – and they have been curated to bring diversity and for us to both learn and unlearn through this process. The sessions won’t be shared outside of this course and this group, and you will have access to them to watch in your own time, or to come back to as a resource. We will give transcripts of these as well to all participants.
Embodiment sessions: We believe that embodiment is a key aspect of healing. Facilitated by Ava Riby-Williams, these will be a chance to physically explore and integrate the themes that we explore each week on this learning journey. In each session Ava will hold the group in a mixture of guided movement sequences, free movement, guided visualisations, and playful exercises to Somatically explore our individual and collective truths. Each session will include practises to regulate our nervous systems, and will be intentionally crafted to welcome people with different levels of movement experience and ability. Sessions, like all others in the course, will be held on zoom. For some sections of each class, practising with camera off will be welcomed. At other times, participants will be gently encouraged to practise with cameras on to experience our “we” more fully and transformatively. It will be helpful for you to wear loose, comfortable clothes and bring a speaker and a yoga mat, even though you might also be invited to participate off of your mat at times.
Community Space: Community is a key aspect of ‘all that we are’ and having space to process what comes up. You will all be encouraged to share through the duration of the course and afterwards in our dedicated group on the ‘all that we are’ app. You can also join the monthly soul session with Amisha (if you are an all that we are member) to discuss what may be coming up for you.

We are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For
You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered…
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for your leader.
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, “This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.
And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word ’struggle’ from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
Hopi Elders’ Prophecy