"The power of Beautiful Leadership is the power of sight to open and to see what hasn't been seen and how we can shape together a new way where everyone does get to receive the benefits and everyone is uplifted and that everyone can thrive."
Sianna Sherman on The Future is Beautiful podcast (Episode 102)

September 13th - December 17th
13 week Immersion
When we started this project in 2010, we often said, we create the future by how we spend our time, money and energy. And this immersion is really an opportunity to reassess all of this – in a supportive and transformative environment.
We welcome you to the beautiful leadership immersion if you want to let go of a whole load of limiting beliefs, heal trauma and bring your life deeper into alignment with your own soul radiance and purpose – so we can co-create a beautiful future.
This is not just another online course, but an immersive experience designed to reconnect you to the very nature of the gifts of your soul, expand your perspective and open new realms of possibility.
As we make sense of the reality that this pandemic has brought to the surface, if we don't make the most of this opportunity in terms of how we approach our life and our world. It's time to put our insights into action.
If you don't have a full resonance with the words "leader" or "beauty" don't worry - you are in the right place!
“I have learnt so much during the beautiful leadership immersion. It has changed my life immeasurably and I have loved every moment of it. Amisha is a natural teacher and leader; she is able to hold space and shine a light for others with such generosity and brilliance. And with a lovely twinkle in her eye! It is one of the best decisions I have ever made to do this course and I will be dipping into the wisdom that has been shared here for many years to come.” Georgina, writer and joyful activist
Why Beautiful?
How would it be to truly see life as beautiful?
Beauty has the power to move us, to stop us in our tracks, to transform us.
Beauty is deep and layered.
Beauty invites us into a space of possibility, creativity and imagination.
Beauty allows us to notice where we are, where we have been and where we might go.
Beauty embraces complexity, and the paradox of our humanity.
Beauty cracks us open, captivates us and brings us to grace.
Beauty connects us to the transcendent nature of our soul.
Beauty loves the messiness, the process, the awkwardness, the imperfections.
Beauty invites a recognition of the sacred and our interconnectedness.
Beauty opens pathways to divine receptivity with the more than human world.
Beauty connects us to the power of our dreams.
Beauty sustains us through our challenges and regenerates us.
Beauty does not ask for certainty.
Beauty leads us to wise decisions.
Beauty is a path of intention.
Beauty is an offering.
Beauty is a whole approach to life.
“The Courage is what enables us to perform our mission. I am sure that everybody listening to this can feel the presence of a mission that is not just to survive and reproduce, that you are here for a reason to contribute to a more beautiful world. If you are not doing that, you are going to feel quite dissatisfied with your life.”
Charles Eisenstein on The Future is Beautiful podcast (Episode 1)
You are a leader
You are a leader in some way - a social entrepreneur, activist, teacher, facilitator, politician, parent, artist, innovator, disrupter, digital nomad, writer, healer, creative - a human. You value purpose and connection. People in your life look to you for guidance and direction. Perhaps you are pushing boundaries and doing something that hasn't been done before. Perhaps you feel that you are not embodying yourself as a leader.
This isn't about the old paradigm of leadership - of dominance, of certainty, of getting others to do what you want them to do. This is the leadership of now - of soul - of feeling into what this future call forth in us and in bringing yourself into alignment with this vision - so that you can embody it in this world in small and perhaps big ways. This is the time to not be a follower, but to dive deep into the gifts of your intuition, and bring what is in your heart alive, with courage and grace. Consider it more as becoming a leader of your own life, living with intentionality and the beauty of your soul. This creates ripples. We need you, this is our time.
“It is a harsh time to be alive, but I do not walk around and see only harshness. I witness beauty. And I wish to become more beautiful myself, I wish to grow in my gentleness and in my love of our Mother Earth, of people and all beings. And I do what I can to step into that, I do everything I can. And it is with joy and the pain of loving something so deeply that makes it so challenging. If we don’t love, we don’t feel. But I do love. I am deeply privileged and grateful to be here. In awe, wonder and recognition of this beautiful earth, ask ourselves, could we live in a different way and begin to live in a more beautiful way”
Mac Macartney on The Future is Beautiful podcast (Episode 92)
What is included
The Beautiful Leadership Immersion takes us into an embodied learning and unlearning adventure which offers the skills, tools and practices that we see as the most valuable at this time. We explore the relationship between our own inner transformation and systemic change.
There are 7 core modules which we will explore:

Re-defining Worth & Leadership
Awakening your true worth so that you may understand your unique pathway, soft power and what being a leader means to you.

Shadows, Trauma & Liberation
Understanding the conditioning that traps you into limited beliefs, how to break free and to find your hidden gifts.

Embodiment & Biohacking
Exploring how ancient wisdom, movement and new technology can bring health, wellbeing and possibility into your life.

Vision, Intuition & Edgewalking
Learning to move between worlds, to bring new seeds into form and to trust your vision and the insights you receive.

Sacred Activism & Decolonisation
Exploring how your way of life can contribute to the collective healing of this planet from finding your way of activism to decolonising the self.

Creativity, Cultural Futurism & Flow Consciousness
Embodying a reciprocal and receptive relationship with how we co-create the future and weave with the tapestry of life.

Collaboration & Community
Unlearning needing to protect, hoard and hide - opening into a way of being that is collaborative and community led by nature.

Rituals, Practices and Tools
Discovering beautiful powerful rituals and practices that connect you to your soul, and open up a richer, more abundant and playful relationship with life itself.
“The most important act of activism today is to be in emotional integrity in the most heightened way – where you are, with whom you’re with – and let that be the evidence, should you die, of the greatest gift you gave to the future of life.”
Alan Clements on The Future is Beautiful podcast (Episode 53)
This is for you:
* You feel the call of this time to rise up in yourself
* You are a leader in some way - You are a leader in some way – human, social entrepreneur, activist, teacher, facilitator, politician, parent, artist, innovator, disrupter, digital nomad, futurist, writer, healer, creative etc.
* You want to cultivate deeper love in yourself and are open for inner transformation
* Your soul is yearning for something more
*Something in you has been shaken by the events of this year, and you don't want to go back to "normal"
* You have a project, way of being or social business that you are creating, or dreaming of bringing into form
* You want to be connected to an inspiring community of humans that are heart aligned
* You value purpose and connection to yourself, each other and the earth
* If you want to understand how you can serve our future generations more fully
* If you believe that we are creating the culture of the future by how we spend our time, money and energy (including our thoughts)
* You are ready to embrace the complexity that we live amongst and weave your pathway through it
* You are committed and have the space and time in your life to immerse yourself in this experience.
* Perhaps part of you is feeling a bit depresses, lonely, uninspired from the restrictions and unfolding of this year
* Perhaps part of you is feeling highly motivated and inspired to re-imagine what is possible from here
“Are you going to be a good ancestor? What is the legacy that you are going to leave behind? Does it matter to me? Does it matter to the world? What are we going to bring into this world that matters? That to me in part is real leadership. How do I lead with generosity? How do I lead with compassion? How do I lead with empathy?”
Alan Moore on The Future is Beautiful podcast (Episode 104)
How will this be facilitated:
The words playful, soul stirring, immersive, experiential, collaborative, embodied are what feel alive for how this journey will unfold.
It is facilitated by Amisha Ghadiali and a guest faculty from The Future Is Beautiful.
Amisha hosts the seven core modules, community sessions and the missions. And then there are guest masterclasses along the way, so that you can learn from other beautiful leaders along the way.
You will be able to access the immersion videos for the lifetime of The Future Is Beautiful.
You can enrol now and you will be able to start your preparation for this immersion including the lifestyle & self care commitments you are going to make for this time.
You will need to give around three hours a week participation in this course. (Plus your daily rituals which can be whatever and how long you choose. We offer two meditations that are 17m and 9m to do in the morning and evening which are the minimum daily requirement if you don't have your own more expansive practice).
Your participation is not all online as much of it will be in your own practices, notebook and in the missions which will connect what we are exploring into experiences in your home and local environment.
The live dates are below. All live events will be recorded and uploaded into the site. If we have participants from multiple time zones we will offer multiple check in circles that suit everyone. It will be amazing if you can make the sessions live, but if not, don't worry as you will be sent everything. The core sessions will be available to watch in your own time.
“Let us step into our unity, into our truth of being. Let us focus on that which is calling us, and stand firm in the action that it asks from us. It’s an exciting time, not an easy time. It’s a time of brilliance, it’s a time of endings and beginnings and it’s our time, what are we going to do with it?”
Jyoti on The Future is Beautiful podcast (Episode 92)
Investment & Enrolment:
Enrolment will open in September.
We have a sliding scale of pricing on offer to make this work more accessible. Please be as generous as you can when you choose what you pay. The money goes to the costs of putting this course together, putting food on the table as well as to funding the creation of more episodes of The Future Is Beautiful where so much richness is shared for free, globally.
The prices are:
Full - £1300 / $1700 which works out as just £100 / $135 a week.
Sky - £1040 / $1400 which works out as just £80 / $108 a week (20% discount)
Earth - £845 / $1105 which works out as just £60 / $88 a week (35% discount)
And we have a further code for a 65% discount if you email in.
You can pay all at once or over four monthly instalments (which works out a little bit more). ie. FULL is three monthly instalments of £470
If you can pay the full price and in one payment this supports us in the creation of the course and allows us to know how many places we can gift to those who have been marginalised by our systems. The full price reflects the value of this experience.
You can find the price offer that you wish below, in either GBP or USD. Select JOIN NOW for the currency and number of payments you want. For the Sky & Earth prices - use SKY or EARTH as a coupon code (it will then update the amount).
As you decide what amount to pay, we ask that you not only consider your present-day financial situation governed by income but also factors including:
- your access to wealth in the global context;
- historical discrimination faced by your peoples;
- your financial wealth (do you have retirement savings?);
- your access to income and financial wealth, both current and anticipated (how easily could you earn more income compared to other people in your country and in the world? do you expect to receive an inheritance?);
- people counting on your financial livelihood including dependents and community members;
- and the socio-economic conditions of your locale (relative to other places in your country and in the world).
(Thank you to Bayo Akomolafe from Episode 13 of The Future Is Beautiful podcast for these considerations in how to choose your price).
If these pricing options don't work for you and you really feel this call, please email us and we can explore how to make this possible for you. This may be through the 65% discount or an exchange of some sort.
Please note due to the costs of this immersion, we have limited SKY & EARTH places. We also host a monthly membership called Presence Collective which is priced to be very accessible.
Once you join the immersion, a one to one with Amisha will be arranged before the opening ceremony to tune in and feel into if it's right for you at this time, and how you can have the most beautiful experience.
Enrolment closes Sept 12th (or when we are at capacity). So that everyone is enrolled before the Opening Ceremony.
Register Interest
You can add one to one support and transform this experience into Leadership Mentoring
Amisha offers a one to one programme called Presence Leadership Mentoring which can be fully integrated into this immersion.
It is made up of private one to one sessions which support you in clearing sub-conscious patterns, releasing fear and awakening qualities that are dormant within so that you can live with greater freedom and share your gifts with the world. These happen every two weeks, on the alternate weeks from the main workshops.
If you go for the mentoring journey along side the immersion - you will receive:
* 8 sessions which gives you personal space to process what is arising for you.
* The first will be a two hour wellbeing consultation to create the rituals that will accompany you on this journey and to get really clear on what you are creating during this time. (Amisha will then be your personal cheerleader for all of this along the way).
* You will then have 90 min sessions every two weeks throughout the time. These are scheduled on the weeks where we don't have one of the core seven workshops.
* And you will have a closing session after the immersion has finished to support it all in landing.
* You will have regular text support where you can ask Amisha anything in between calls and share your experiences, blocks and breakthroughs.
* You will be gifted three months of Presence Collective membership to fully integrate this adventure.
These one to one sessions are powerful (in a gentle, refreshing and intuitive way). Through this work you open your own connection to your intuition and subtle body. You will clear deep limiting patterns and open up to grace and gifts.
And there is space in these sessions to check in, discuss strategy and benefit from Amisha's 20 years of experience, study and training - with personalised recommendations, resources and most importantly support.
Here are the words of a couple of people who has been through this mentorship.
“For the first time in my life, I can say with certainty that I am at peace with the path I am on. The work Amisha and I have done over these months has unleashed my deepest, truest self. For years, my experience of life was akin to the suffocation and paralysis of being stuck in a cocoon whilst also enjoying it’s safety. Slowly, at a pace that felt comfortable to integrate, Amisha worked through the layers of thoughts and feelings I was entrapped by, at the same time as allowing true and full expression of all my colours and the form I was born to take. My journey with Amisha has been a joy, a privilege and far beyond what I could have imagined for myself a mere few months ago. Amisha, the only way I will ever be able to give due gratitude for all that you have facilitated, is to go forth, fly and share the truest depths of my soul and spirit with all I encounter.” Ami, Social Entrepreneur
“I just finished the Leadership Mentoring Program with this passionate & radiant woman, Amisha Ghadiali. Words cannot describe the amazing experience I have had – truly. I have grown and found new parts of myself, found strength and power within I didn’t know was there. I have healed past wounds, and discovered new depths to my soul. I put in a lot of work and effort, and with her help and guidance I have grown so much. I’m so incredibly grateful I got to have this experience, and that I was able to go to India on her retreat and explore and grow even more.” Lynsey, Entrepreneur
This is an additional £1555/ $2200 which can be also be paid in instalments. (3 instalments x £555 or $800).
The one to one mentoring is usually on a sliding scale of which this is the lowest tier, but due to the circumstances of this year, it's being offered to everyone at this rate - as we need more deep healing at this time.
This is limited to a small number of participants so Amisha can give fully to them.
If you have questions on this, or anything about this programme, please email us for more information. Amisha always connects directly with mentoring clients before this journey begins.
"There are two ways you can confront a moment of reckoning, uncovering an apocalyptic moment if you will. We can approach it with a spirit of fear and scarcity, or we can see it as an opportunity to more deeply see, not just see, but imagine, see that which is physically right in front of us and present, and then attempt to see even beyond what can be. In a world where some of us don’t have the luxury of being safe, some of us have to be brave. And what it means to be brave is opening ourselves up to the possibility of transformation."
Rev Jen Bailey on The Future is Beautiful podcast (Episode 93)
The Schedule
About your hosts

The Future Is Beautiful
How will you create beauty in the world?
The Future Is Beautiful is a podcast, community, learning and unlearning platform. It was created in 2010 originally with the name Think Act Vote, and we launched our book in 2012 at the Rio +20 climate summit.
Following on from this, we created The Future Is Beautiful Podcast, a space for deep long conversations about things that matter. We now have over 100 episodes live including Polly Higgins, Charles Eisenstein, Lyla June, Satish Kumar, Sam Roddick, Bruce Parry and so many other luminaries.
On this show we explore the weave between politics, spirituality, creativity and sustainability. The people, projects and ideas we meet here are challenging the dominant world story and creating a beautiful future.
From healing trauma to vision to new technologies to ancient wisdom to regeneration - it’s time for us to move beyond silos and into an integrated way of being. Every one of us has ideas and personal experiences to share that can lead us to a brighter future. We are all called to be leaders at this time. This is the revolution. Despite the challenges we face as a global community, or the pressures that we meet in our daily lives, when we stop and dare to dream, to ask ourselves the big questions and to share what we are already doing, we create the future that we wish to wake up for - That Future Is Beautiful.
Amisha Ghadiali

With Guest Masterclasses
Swaady Martin on Sacred Leadership
Swaady is one of Africa’s most recognized young leader, influencer and tastemaker. She is a serial entrepreneur, published author, certified Yoga & Mindfulness teacher and former corporate executive at GE. She is the founder of YSWARA, a socially-conscious gourmet tea company contributing to the reversal of the African commodity trap and promoting Africa’s rich culture. A Consciousness activist, Swaady launched SHIFT WITHIN (2017) offering online & offline personal development courses and events to promote and support the global inner revolution which evolved into Tounché Global Consciousness Summit & Events (2018), events aimed at raising our collective consciousness to co-create a more compassionate world. She is also on the board of the African Leadership Network and Africa 2.0

Nina Simons on Facing Shadows
Nina Simons is an award winning social entrepreneur and visionary thinker. In 1990, she co-founded Bioneers with her husband and partner, Kenny Ausubel. As President, she has helped to lead the organization through 23 years of identifying, gathering and disseminating breakthrough innovations that reveal a positive and life-honoring future that’s within our grasp, today. Nina’s work currently focuses on writing and teaching about women, leadership, diversity, systems thinking and restoring the feminine in us all. She is the co-founder and co-facilitator of the Cultivating Women’s Leadership Leadership trainings. Nina edited the anthology, Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart, which contains 30 essays by over 40 contributors, who collectively help to redefine the leadership landscape. The book is being used by educators in college and graduate-school classrooms and has garnered passionate and positive reviews. Her new book is Nature, Culture and the Sacred: a woman listens for leadership.

Uma Dinsmore-Tuli on Rest as A Radical Act
Uma met yoga in 1969, at the age of four, and fell in love. She’s been practicing ever since, and teaching yoga since 1994. A yoga therapist with special expertise in yoga therapy for women’s health, Uma is a mother of three, and has written four books on yoga for women, including the massive Yoni Shakti now in its second printing. She is co-founder of the Yoga Nidra Network and has developed Total Yoga Nidra, Wild Nidra and Nidra Shakti: radical creative and intuitive approaches to sharing yoga nidra.
Tiu de Haan on Engineering Serendipity
Tiu de Haan is a ritual designer, creative facilitator and “serendipiter”, devoted to the creation of experiences that connect us to ourselves, to each other, and to the possibility of wonder. Whether it’s a bespoke ritual, an experiential workshop, an online course or a one to one adventure, Tiu’s work offers us ways to shift our perspective so we can see the magic in the mundane. She lives on a beautiful houseboat where she broadcasts content to inspire curiosity, creativity and wonder, from interviewing world leading scientists, creators, artists and entrepreneurs in the Possibility of Wonder to offering online courses on creativity, wellbeing, ritual at work and the art of ritual design.

Sally Kempton on Leading from Soul
Sally teaches devotional contemplative tantra—an approach to practice that creates a fusion of knowing and loving. Known for her ability to transmit inner experience through transformative practices and contemplation, Sally has been practicing and teaching for forty years. A disciple of the great Indian guru Swami Muktananda, she spent twenty years as a teaching swami (monk) in the Saraswati order of Indian monks. In 2002, Sally began teaching independently. She now offers heart-to-heart transmission in meditation and life practice through her Awakened Heart Tantra workshops, teleclasses, retreats, and trainings in applied spiritual philosophy. Her workshops and teleconference courses integrate the wisdom of traditional yoga tantra with the insights of contemporary evolutionary spirituality and cutting-edge psychology. Sally is the author of Meditation for the Love of It, a groundbreaking book on meditation, and Awakening Shakti.

Dr Stephanie Mines on Embodied Resilience
Dr. Stephanie Mines is a neuropsychologist whose unique understanding comes from her academic research as well as her extensive work in the field. Dr. Mines also developed CLIMATE CHANGE & CONSCIOUSNESS. Our Legacy for the Earth. She convened a global gathering in Northern Scotland in April 2019 with keynote leaders like Bill
McKibben, Charles Eisenstein, Vandana Shiva and others who inspired the intergenerational community there to take direct action that is now sustained by a movement serving throughout the world. Dr. Mines is the author of numerous books and articles that represent aspects of her mission to build grassroots empowerment based sustainable healthcare and unprecedented leadership to meet our
climate emergency.
Sianna Sherman on Legacy

Dr Melissa Sterry on Leading Through Innovation
A recipient of several international awards for innovation, creativity and enterprise, Dr. Melissa Sterry is a transdisciplinary design scientist, complex systems theorist, biofuturist and serial founder whose research and practice explores how emerging and anticipated near-future science, technology and thinking may help humanity to build a brighter future in the face of challenges including climate change, resource shortages, and biodiversity and virgin habit loss. Her career largely spent crafting first-to-market concepts and companies, she has a PhD in developing architectural and urban resilience to major wildfire events, together with over two decades experience in delivering strategic advisories at board-level to multinational corporations, NGOs, and market-founding start-ups. Melissa is a visiting lecturer/fellow, guest critic, thesis supervisor, assembly member, scientific committee member, peer-reviewer, editorial board member, author, juror and keynote speaker to manifold leading international STEM, design, architecture, and arts journals, conferences, awards, societies, and academic and professional institutions. Her past clients include among others the World Bank, Unilever, Toyota Motors Europe, Interface, Schneider Electric, Aegis Media, McKinsey, and Accenture.

Jyoti on Mother Earth. is Dreaming Us into Being
Jyoti is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all Peoples. As a Spiritual Founder of the Center for Sacred Studies, she co-founded Kayumari with spiritual communities both in America and Europe. Other projects she has helped to convene are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Unity Concert. She is the founder for The Fountain. It’s mission is to restore an economic model that is based on reciprocity and collaboration guided by Nature and the Sacred. She has devoted her life to bringing unity to the planet by facilitating the development of alliances between individuals who are the guardians of indigenous culture and traditional medicine ways. Through this work collaborative relationships with organizations that are focused on economic, social and environmental solutions have developed, creatively addressing the global challenges of our times.
Indra Adnan on Co-creating The Alternative
Indra Adnan is Co-Initiator of The Alternative UK – part of a global network of political platforms originating with Alternativet in Denmark. Her commitment is to grassroots politics that release the power of people and communities in ways that sustain the planet. She is concurrently a journalist (The Guardian, Huffington Post), a psychotherapist (Human Givens Institute), founder of the Soft Power Network (consulting to Finnish, Brazilian, Danish and British governments), Buddhist, Futurist, School Governor and Mother. Recent publications include Is The Party Over? and New Times, and e-book Soft Power Agenda.

Ed Gillespie on The Shadow Side of Sustainability Leadership
Ed Gillespie is a writer, communications specialist, serial entrepreneur, poet and futurist. He is the author of ‘Only Planet – a flight-free adventure around the world’ a book about his circumnavigation of the globe without getting on a plane. Ed is an inspirational keynote speaker, a facilitator in responsible leadership with the Forward Institute, and is actively involved in a number of ethical, purpose-driven start-up businesses.
Annegret Affolderbach on Cultural Futurism
East German born Annegret Affolderbach is a cultural futurist and experience designer. As an influential changemaker with wide-reaching vision for planet and people, she connects humankind and brands to the unexpected rooted in cultures, lifestyles and nature. She was the founder and designer of fashion brand Choolips; one of the first sustainable and fair fashion brands working with grassroots artisan businesses across West & East Africa and India, and retail giants TOPSHOP and After more than a decade in fashion, she founded ‘at the heart of luxury’, where she designs and hosts transformative masterclasses, experiences and activations that cultivate human connection and cultural transformation. Her work harmonises movement and ceremony with her love for nature. Interacting with elements such as water, land, indigenous plants and waste, she brings attention to the beauty of nature and culture, environmental and social challenges.

Alan Moore on Doing Beautiful Business
Alan Mooreā€‹ is a business innovator, hisā€‹ life mission is to make every business on the planet as beautiful as they can possibly be. He does this by changing the way people think about the world and how their businesses can succeed by being beautiful in every way. By consciously designing better products, services, experiences: By creating cultures of learning internally, as well as creating entirely new concepts of what a business or an industry could be; beautiful businesses are proven to be attractive to employees, buyers and investors. A beautiful business is a profitable business. Alan believes beautiful businesses are the future. The author of four books including his international best sellers No Straight Lines: Making sense of our nonlinear world (2011) and Do Design: Why beauty is key to everything (2016), Alan has spoken at the inspirational not for profit ideas festival the Do Lectures, at SXSW and the Hay Literary Festival.
"Full of heart and soul, this is a powerful exploration of the ideas, tools and resources today's leaders need to create the beautiful future we all know is possible. It guided me to explore the depths of my own soul and bring in new ways of being - whilst learning from an extraordinarily inspiring mix of guest speakers along the way. Amisha's immersion was just what I needed to step into my power and lead from the heart in these challenging times."
Jessica, climate impact consultant
Join the Waitlist for the next Immersion
“We are all sovereign of our own worlds, and when we create our world it’s part of the whole world, so for me it’s very important that we all create the best, most beautiful reality that we can, that we are as joyful and happy as we can be, that we are creating as much beauty as possible.”
Atulya K Bingham on The Future is Beautiful podcast (Episode 88)